Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mikayla Termini's Coil Vae


This piece is a large coil vase with a totally smooth surface. I started from the bottom up and made a base. I added coils to the vase and went nowhere but up from there. I made by coil vase go out then in to create and wave look and give it some tone to grab the viewer's  attention. I chose a variety of colors to make my vase stand out from others. Also I mixed colors together to make the colors blend while being fired. I left the white color of the clay to make my designs stand out and pop. I chose to have butterflies and flowers all around my vase to have balanced composition. I liked the idea to have warm and cool colors all over the vase to keep the eye steady. For the vines and stems of the flowers, I tried to keep them a green color to have that one thing be the same and tie the piece together. I did a different mix of colors such as pink, purple, maroon, green, blue, dark blue, red, orange, and yellow. I wanted the eye to travel around the entire piece. The purpose of this piece is to be calming. You can look and it and not be confused as to what's going on. Its nice and simple and its a great gift I made for my mom.  To form my pot, I used mostly my hands create the shape I wanted. To smooth my coil vase, I used a mix between my hands and a tool called the rib. To paint the design on my coil vase I used underglaze and paint brushes of all different sizes. When I finished with underglaze, I used glaze to make my vase have a shiny glass look to it. I chose the clear glaze because it brings the eye to all the colors and makes the colors stand out well together. I love my piece because of its shape and form. I also love my coil vase because of the design I chose to put on it. I love the colors I picked for both the butterflies and flowers. I think that it is a balanced composition because there are colors everywhere all around the pot and it makes you want to keep spinning the piece to see what's going to come yet. I think that it represents good craftsmanship because I took my time to build and paint it.

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