Coil Cylinder
1. The artwork of my coil cylinder is that it has a close design on one part of it and the other side it has flowers on it so it’s more brightened up. The texture on the dark side is more of a stone feeling compared to the side with the flowers where it has a smooth shiny texture. The parts that are carved out are brighter than the parts that aren’t because I mixed glazes together. On the flower, I used maroon in the carved part and on the part that wasn’t I used pink. They mixed really well and it made it stand out. On the stems I used a green because that’s the color of stems and I wanted it to look like a flower coming from the pattern. The dark, more complicated side I used black throughout the whole thing, it’s dull compared to the other side by I was completely fine with that because I wanted it to look like that. The meaning of the piece is that everyone has a good and bad side to them no matter who the person is. I really liked the meaning and I’ve heard it a lot in my life so I decided to do a piece based on it.
2. On the complicated side I used a piece of paper to trace on the design that I picked out. As I was finished, I used a carving tool to carve out what was being done. I painted a black glaze on the whole side, then I took a sponge and scraped most of it off so it had glaze inside the cracks on what I have carved and so it had a stone type of feeling to it. On the brighter side with the flowers, the flowers were carved on and it went from there. the stems of the flowers connected to the complicated side so they wouldn’t be randomly in there and I also used a carving tool for that. Mixing the glazes came out really good and made the flowers stand out because the middle and outside was darker than the middle, it was a outline so it wouldn’t be just plain.
3. I really like my piece that I created because of the meaning and how it turned out. I’m not an artist so when I saw that it came out the way it did, I really admired it and never thought I could make such a piece that I made. It’s not really a balanced composition because the top part of it was uneven and the sides were bumpy a little. When I tried to fix it, it was too late and it was hard and wouldn’t budge no matter how hard I tried so I left it the way it was. It represents good craftsmanship because of the tools, designs, and work that was put into the cylinder. It has a good texture to it and it’s really unique so I thought it was different compared to stuff I’ve seen in the past.