Mrs. Pietri- The small terra cotta pinch pot has a swelling cup-like form that turn in slightly at the lip. The foot ring on the pot has arch shaped cut outs that create four wide feet/legs. The designs are painted on the exterior of the form in black, yellow and turquoise. A leaflike shape that rises up from each foot has concentric lines that alternate yellow, terra cotta, turquoise, terra cotta, etc. Between each leaflike shape are wavy black shapes with yellow dots on them on a terra cotta background that look like monarch butterfly wings. This piece represents a summer garden with plants and butterflies.
To form this pot I used the pinching method. I started with a ball of earthenware clay held in one hand and used the thumb from another hand to press into the clay. By pinching the clay between my thumb on the inside and fingers on the outside while slowly turning the piece a cup was formed. I used my fingers to thin out and smooth the walls of the pot. To attach the foot to the piece I rolled a coil, flattened it and scored and slipped it in place. I smoothed the attachment of the foot to make it look seamless. Once leather hard I used a loop tool to cut out the arches in the foot, used a sponge to smooth the piece and then burnished it with my fingers. After the piece dried and was bisque fired I drew a design onto the bisqueware with a pencil and used underglazes to add the design. After the underglaze was bisque fired I used a clear shiny glaze to coat the entire piece and then it was fired again.
I am happy with how it turned out because the design hugs the form and it looks unified. The repeating colors and designs move my eye around the piece and creates a balanced composition. I also like the shadow that the cut outs in the foot create. I think I could have refined the lip a little more to make it less wavy and more uniform, though I like how it turns in slightly.